Frequently asked questions

How long Does a typical Therapy session Last?

A standard therapy session is about 50-minutes long. This is designed to allow for enough time for you to show up and get comfortable, reflect on things discussed in the previous session, discuss what went well and what was tough during the time in between sessions, and dive into what feels important to discuss or explore in the current session. This also allows the therapist time in between scheduled sessions to complete necessary notes, documentation, and billing.

How long is someone usually in therapy?

The time someone spends in therapy is very individualized. Most people tend to seek therapy services for about 12 months or more as they work on various challenges, develop coping skills, and explore their presenting concerns in a safe and supportive environment. However, some people benefit from more solution-focused, brief therapy.

The frequency someone is attending therapy can also impact this as someone who is attending weekly sessions may progress more quickly than someone who is only being seen monthly. Either way the frequency and length of time spent in therapy is completely based on the individual client and I am happy to give my recommendations as desired if you are unsure what might be the best fit for you.

What does the Initial session typically look like?

The initial therapy session is also known as an intake session. This session allows us to come together to discuss what presenting issues brought you in to therapy, explore contributing factors that may be helping or hindering the presenting issues, get some brief overall history, discuss what therapy looks like, and discuss policies and procedures. More importantly this initial session is a chance for us to get to know each other and determine if we may be a good fit for working together, this is especially important because feeling connected and supported by the therapist you work with is the most vital part of the therapy process. If for any reason it does not feel like the right fit, please tell me so I can make a referral to someone who may be better suited to your needs.

Is therapy confidential?

Everything you say in our therapy sessions is kept between us. There are some limitations to confidentiality that I will lay out in the initial paperwork you will be filling out before we see each other for our initial session. I will also go over these limitations again with you in our first session together. If you have any questions immediately about this please feel free to ask me ahead of time.

What are the benefits to doing private pay over billing insurance?

When engaging in therapy you are setting aside the time and space for yourself to show up and share the most vulnerable aspects of you. When you choose private pay there is an additional layer of privacy that is unfortunately not present when billing insurance. Insurance companies often require certain diagnoses and proof of “medical necessity” in order to cover services rendered. By choosing private pay you have more flexibility in your ability to receive services that fit you best.

I am also happy to provide Superbills to clients who wish to seek reimbursement from their insurance companies for services rendered through private pay, however, please note that reimbursement is never guaranteed and this is strictly the insurance companies decision. If you have additional questions about whether you should choose private pay or bill insurance I’d be happy to discuss it further.

How can I get started?

Congratulations on finding the courage within yourself to start your therapy journey. You can contact me directly via phone or email (both listed at the bottom of any page on my website) or by clicking the “Get started today” button below!