Supervision services.
I am now pleased to be offering supervision services to Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors!
My supervision training includes a few years of overseeing graduate level interns in an agency setting post licensure and my training was formalized through the UNC Greensboro Department of Counseling and Educational Development Clinical Supervision Training Course. My approach to supervision is founded in developmental models of supervision. Attention to the supervisory relationship and supervisory roles is critical to these approaches, requiring the supervisor to be intentional, proactive, and flexible. Supervision interventions are tailored to supervises developmental, cognitive, and conceptual levels, as well as the supervises motivation, skills, and personal attributes, while ensuring the needs of the client(s) are met.
I currently offer individual supervision at a rate of $110/session and will be soon offering triadic supervision options at a rate of $80/session. Triadic supervision will be offered on a case by case basis depending on developmental skill level and reason for supervision. Contact me for more information!