SExual Healing

You are a survivor of sexual trauma.

Since that horrifying moment that changed your life forever you’ve been trapped, a stranger to yourself, disconnected, filled with self-loathing. You can quickly recall the devastation, the immense fear, the violation. You have periods of feeling anger and rage, followed by nightmares and flashbacks. You experience periods of sobbing uncontrollably, blaming yourself that you should have done more. You get overwhelmed with the anxiety, hypervigilance, and distrust you hold both towards yourself and anyone who tries to get close to you. Filled with constant discomfort, feeling like a ghost in your own body, you feel stuck, hopeless, and lost. In the mirror, you are a stranger to yourself, filled with regret and disgust. You’ve been thrusted into an unending depression that you feel you’ll never escape. 

It was wrong. No matter the circumstances, it was inconceivably wrong. Immoral. They got what they wanted and left you to handle the aftermath. You deserved more. You deserved better. Regardless of how much time has passed you may feel and even believe that this is it. You will live the rest of your life stuck, out of control, numb. But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

You are worthy and deserving of something different. Something good. You have survived and you have the power within you to break free. To feel alive again. To find yourself. You can heal. You can grow. You can be brave, confident, and empowered.  You can allow yourself to be seen. To find real connection to yourself again and maybe eventually, to someone else. You can experience what it feels like to find movement towards being honored in your own body, connected, real. What might it be like to feel expressive, beautiful, sexy? To feel bold and strong enough to speak up without fear? To find space for trying new things, exploring, and getting creative? Together we can unshackle you from the shame that has held you down all this time. Together we will help you to find yourself again. Take the first step, the power is in your hands, call or email me today to get started.