Yoga Jordan Heffner Yoga Jordan Heffner

Yoga for Mental Health: Part 2 Types of Yoga

Interested in learning more about the different types of yoga practice? Which one is right for you? Read more to see what different types of yoga can provide for you and how they can impact your mental health.

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Yoga Jordan Heffner Yoga Jordan Heffner

Yoga for Mental Health: Part 1

What has your relationship been like with yoga? Regardless of your religious beliefs or spirituality, the practice of yoga has something to offer everyone. There can be a powerful connection between the practice of yoga and mental health!

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Sexual Health Jordan Heffner Sexual Health Jordan Heffner

All About Sex Toys

Do you use sex toys to enhance your sexual pleasure? How much do you know about the materials used in sex toys? Learn more about the different types of materials used to increase your ability to make smart, safe choices for yourself.

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Sexual Health Jordan Heffner Sexual Health Jordan Heffner

Sex…it’s not a drive

You’ve likely heard the term “sex drive” many times, but did you know that the desire for sex is actually not a “drive” at all? Desire for sex is not a drive but rather an incentive motivational system and knowing the difference can validate why you may not be experiencing “spontaneous desire” in your relationship.

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